Tag Archives: ungodly

Christian rock = Secular rock under a VERY deceptive guise

Is this the “Christian” idea of being RELEVANT?
The LORD abhors it. In the name of ‘Christianity’ His name is being blasphemed by the very people who call themselves by the name of Christ! Do the artists themselves seem convicted by the Gospel?? I think not! Let your light shine before men by your lifestyle. I’ve often discussed with friends whether a certain band is Christian or not (because they seem to be both!); anything that confuses us between belonging to God or otherwise – it’s always not of God when the need to clarify arises.

Should we rock the Gospel? 2of2

What’s with women and apples?

A picture depicting the apple as poisonous

Twilight’s front cover
Apple brand logo





Marty is Kenneth and Gloria Copeland's daughter


A picture of a 'Christian' nutrition Bible studySnow White

Despite the fact that the Bible does not specify the fruit which the Lord God had forbidden Adam to eat, the apple has always used to depict the fruit since time immemorial. It was the woman who was enticed by the serpent to sin against the holy God by eating the fruit, and went on to give also to her husband (Gen 3:1-6). Women holding/offering/biting an apple is a symbol in itself. Breaking it down further:
  • The apple portrays the forbidden fruit and represents disobedience and rebellion to God.
  • A woman holding/offering an apple represents allurement, lust, temptation, sin, immorality, don’t-go-there and is always anti-God.
  • An apple which has been bitten off represents the same.

Do I mean that all apples represent lust and rebellion? Not at all, apples are fruits created by God for mankind to munch on, plus the apple is not even a biblical icon of sin because nowhere is it recorded that the forbidden fruit was an apple. But it takes discernment. It’s all about symbolism. Take Desperate Housewives for example, this “comedy” show is filled with every kind of immorality. With that in mind, what would be the logical reason for these women to hold apples in their hands? (Remember it’s all about symbolism.) The opening theme of the show involves a parody of the story of Eve, complete with the garden, forbidden fruit and the lurking snake. There is also a sage advice from one character to another that, “You’re a woman, manipulate him, that’s what we do”!

I fed “holding apple” in Google image search and 99% of the images had women holding apples. Why is it rare for men to be shown holding an apple? See the connection? There is an ominous use of this symbolism.  If I merely took a photo of my sister eating an apple is not considered symbolistic as I’m not trying to convey a message to my viewers. It’s only a photo. But if this symbol is used on books, advertisements, brands, movies etc it definitely conveys a subliminal message to its audience, a message which can be taken as a warning that the material contains that which will cause us to sin against our God! Be it Twilight [a love story between a human and a vampire (demon)], Snow White, a Christian dietary Bible study (scam) or whatever, the symbol itself speaks that which words do not.

Satan always marks his territory with his symbols. The occult is full of symbolism. Let us therefore be on our guard always, never taking the battle for our souls lightly. When we know we’re walking on Satan’s territory, leave that book, movie, show etc and run back to Christ our Lord. We must tune our thoughts according to His Word! Satan does not give us “free will”.

A shocking “Christian” review of ‘Burlesque’, the movie

Here’s a Christian review of the new movie Burlesque. Bearing in mind that this is a review from a Christian’s perspective, let’s break it down to see how biblical the review itself is. (Burlesque defined)

My first reaction was that of skepticism. Nowhere does it discourage Christians from viewing it! This movie is filled with nudity, sexuality, homosexuality, alcohol and other things (mentioned at the end of the article). The movie is rated PG-13 by the movie-makes, and also by the Christian author! A 13-year old Christian is allowed to watch such offensive, unbiblically themed movie??? (As it is, I’m rather shocked that the movie producers themselves have rated it as PG 13; 5 years ago this would’ve been rated as PG-18!) And not only that, a Christian website is promoting the movie:

Burlesque is best seen on a big screen (enjoy the immorality on a large screen, don’t miss out on the details…), which suits its larger-than-life ambitions, but the story arc is nothing new. Although it works on the most basic level—we root for Tess to find a way to keep the club open, thanks to Ali’s talent—it won’t surprise anyone older than a teenager (and many of them will see the story’s developments coming a mile away). The film’s strength is as a visual extravaganza, but that comes with a major caveat: The dance routines are sexually suggestive and the dancers’ outfits quite revealing. The film is rated PG-13, not R, but viewers should go in expecting to see a lot of skin. Burlesque celebrates determination, grit and a belief in one’s own talents and abilities (forget the Holy Ghost!). However, it’s also nonjudgmental about all behaviors except Nikki’s taste for the bottle. No other positive moral lessons are to be drawn from Burlesque. It’s all song and dance, spectacle and camp, and one more memorable role for Cher. It’s she, not Aguilera, who anchors Burlesque and reminds us that some singers can be as effective on-screen as they are on stage.”

I have a big problem with the above paragraph. The writer seems to be promoting the movie despite his weak efforts in mentioning its profanity (it’s more out of a formality that he does). This movie is PG-13, what kind of morals are being fed to the kids? (Yes, a 13-year-old teen is still a kid!) Granted, this review is probably a neutral one, an informative one rather than an analysis from a biblical point of view… In that case, what is it doing on a Christian site? Are Christians not responsible for dividing the godly from the ungodly? Isn’t that what God expects from us? Or are we to merely inform our brothers and sisters and let them decide for themselves at their own risks? Keep in mind that the majority watching this movie are (Christian) teens! Does God not expect us to look after His little ones? It is wrong for a Christian to write a neutral review on a movie (and any thing else) that celebrates immorality in every form! It is an offense to the Lord.

Intentional or accidental? You decide.


Notice the symbol on the Witch’s book and on the so-called Christian metal band P.O.D. Symbols rule the world, as Confucius rightly had once said, “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws”! When a heathen had enough sense to know that symbols play a decisive role in marking territory, why do Christians argue otherwise? Or is it that Christians think that Christ will protect them? Did Christ give us the liberty to indulge ourselves with Satan’s entertainment? Have we made Christ to be our bodyguard while we meddle with His enemy? Have we no responsibility at all? What is of the devil’s remains his; what is of Christ’s He has redeemed, and set apart as holy, separated from what is Satan’s. We have not been bought with the blood of the Son of God to enter the enemy territory for fulfilment of our carnal desires.

Saints, be not foolish in your faith assuming that the devil cannot influence you – that itself is his lie, and many have believed it! We are constantly warned to stay awake, alert because our enemy has not given up to steal kill and destroy us. We must discern the boundary line between the Light and darkness, good and evil, white and black, Christ and Satan.

(I strongly advise any rock/metal lover to research on what this “genre” of music is really about, its history and who owns it! I never speak of my own without doing a fair amount of research by the guidance of the Holy Ghost and God’s Word on any given topic.)