Tag Archives: nwo

Possible Enslavement Of America in 2012?

Every time I think about what’s ahead, my faith in the God of Heaven is what makes me feel secure. I have a job, a family and a wonderful future to look forward too, yet when I read the news of what’s ahead, and recall the book of Revelation, there is nothing that can save us except our faith in Christ Jesus, the Son of God.

The new Obama regime that surfacing sounds frightening; it is almost akin to Nazism in Germany or the Communist rule. And apparently, it is the Church they view as a threat to their government. America, the world’s greatest nation once upon a time, is speedily losing its freedom. It seems that some sort of a beast is arising instead. The government is slowly given the right to kill its own citizens without a trial: “the Obama regime has issued a blunt warning to all American citizens that, in essence, states that any one of these once free people who dare to oppose their government they will be immediately killed and offered no chance to defend themselves before a Court and/or jury of their peers.” (source)

Americans will be stripped of their right to bear arms. It’s all in the blueprint. When the government wants to kill its own people, the only way of doing that without hassle is to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms. The Illuminati-controlled UN is undertaking this venture. This act would be in the US and possibly worldwide for better world enslavement. It’s not rocket science to figure out that terrorism is a tool of the Illuminati — an excellent excuse to nullify the 2nd Amendment: “Get rid of your arms in order to help us fight terrorism”. I can see that happening! Isn’t terrorism the excuse the global governments have been using since 9/11?

The future does seem disturbing; much has happened in 2011 that clearly directs to something more sinister in 2012. Yet those of us who belong to the God of Heaven have not been called to fear. Whether we live or die, may the Jesus Christ be glorified always. Cling to your godly faith as you will need it more than anything else; as this will lead you to life everlasting. Be watchful and awake of the global happenings: history does repeat itself. Stand strong Church of Christ Jesus!

71 Churches To Read The “Quran” On 6/26/2011 “Chrislam”

Ungodly Evangelism by Christians Among Muslims

Article By David. J. Rusin, Islam Watch

In the Muslim world, Islamists increasingly target Christians for persecution; in the Western world, Christians increasingly target Muslims for outreach. Extending a hand to followers of Islam can be praiseworthy, but the lengths to which some Christians have gone may come as a shock. Consider a few recent cases on the congregational level:

  • Muslims using churches for prayer. Last year, Muslims awaiting construction of their mosque accepted a neighborly offer to pray at Heartsong Church in Cordova, Tennessee. An analogous arrangement exists at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. (Interestingly, each of the two Islamic communities is stained by radicalism: the first via Yasir Qadhi and the second via ICNA.) Opposition has grown rapidly, with Anglican priest Mark Durie contending that Muslim worship has “no place in a Christian church” due to Islam’s differing view of Jesus and prayers that chide Christianity.
  • Christians distributing Korans. In response to Christian pastor Terry Jones burning the Islamic holy book on March 20, leaders of Salt Lake City’s Wasatch Presbyterian Church pooled their money to purchase Korans, which later were passed out for free at an area store. This was done to help “push back against the lunatic fringe,” said Russell Fericks of the church’s governing board. “We’re not afraid of the truth,” he added.
  • Joint Christian-Muslim worship. On May 22, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Montclair, New Jersey, held an interfaith service that reportedly began with the Muslim call to prayer and incorporated readings from the Koran — even during Communion. “I’ve grown concerned about the demonization of Muslims. I want Montclair to develop an understanding of the religion,” Rev. Andrew Butler explained.
  • Half church, half mosque. A project in the Stockholm suburbs aims to graft a mosque onto an existing church. Bishop Bengt Wadensjö of the Church of Sweden, which owns the property, recently described this as a way to “demonstrate how people can get along together regardless of culture, language, or faith.” The plan is to renovate the current facility, expand space rented by Catholics, sell land to a Muslim group, build an adjacent mosque, and link the structures through a “communal foyer” to create “God’s House.”

In addition, peculiar examples of individual Christian leaders reaching out to Muslims by mixing their faith with Islam include a Dutch Catholic bishop urging everyone to call God “Allah” in 2007, an American emergent church pastor joining the Ramadan fast in 2009, and an Episcopal minister in Missouri practicing aspects of Islam during this year’s Lent.

There is nothing wrong with outreach to Muslims. However, when pursued in ways that come off as highly deferential and spiritually confused, it can embolden Islamists by suggesting that Christians are uncertain and weak. Encouraging tolerance of Muslims is laudable, but the unreciprocated trend of Christians effectively promoting Islam is troubling.”  

Muslims will never turn to Christ despite outrageous outreach efforts by so-called Christians; these Christians have no regard for the persecuted believers in the Middle East; they don’t care what the Muslims are doing to the Church there. They don’t do anything to rise up against the persecution of their own brethern; instead they stand up for Muslims, the persecutors of their brethern.  Nowhere in the Bible did God command the amalgamation of His Gospel with counterfeit religions as a way to proclaim Him or for any other reasons. It is utter foolishness on the part of Christians that do this, despite their “good” (there is nothing good about it) intentions! Such “evangelism” is in fact idolatry! It’s similar to the biblical account of Baal worship which Israel partook in when the LORD had commanded them not to! These Christians better to preparing good answers alongside for when they will be questioned by the LORD Himself for such acts.

14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. 

 As God has said: “I will live with them  and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate,  says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing,  and I will receive you.” 18And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” – 2 Corinthians 6: 14 – 18.

Congregating the Anti-Corruption Movement of India With the Current Global Events

Similar to the UN’s symbol of globalism

Okay, this whole “anti-corruption” upheaval in India is a joke. Apparently, it took this country 60+ years to realize its condition. But that’s not what’s funny. The irony is that even the very politicians who indulge in corruption have voted for this campaign!!! Every politician, whether Indian or not, is corrupt; they ‘win’ elections through corruption and do everything else through corruption . . . And the GOVERNMENT itself has legalised the anti-corruption campaign! Thousands have taken to the streets in protest, with the corrupted backing them up. Why? To state the obvious, if the politicians and the ministers don’t get involved people will be pointing fingers at them as the source of corruption. So in order to show innocence of their part (and I’m sure people are foolish enough) they’re all supportive of this new movement. But let’s not blame only the politicians. Take our millionaires and billionaires. How can anyone earn so much money in India (or anywhere else in the world) without fraud bring entertained?

As for me, since I tend to be critical of the NWO (New World Order/New World Oneness), I have a sense that this is a deliberate attempt to conform the country to the standards of the One World regulations. As an Indian I do not oppose the idea of fighting corruption; however I’m somewhat skeptical of the time period in which this protest has begun: the upheaval in the Middle East, the war on Libya, India’s fight against corruption all seem to converge . . . Because of the news on the approaching NWO, it seems wiser to view events as a skeptic than to be misled by the mainstream media. The anti-corruption legislation was passed back in the 1960s — why has it taken India so long to act on it? Every event in every nation, whether it’s the EU, the US, the Mid East, India, China etc, seems to be some sort of publicity for a new world leader, the Antichrist (he’s different things to different religions); that prominent figure that will settle down the global havoc. And by events I don’t mean just political chaos but social, environmental, climatic, educational etc.

Coming back to the anti-corruption movement of India. I’m uncertain as to who exactly the protesters are rallying against: when all the ministers, politicians, businessmen are on the side of the protesters then there’s nothing to protest against.  All I can say to conclude is that there is corruption in the anti-corruption campaign. Nevertheless, if this act is successful then I’m anticipating a massive drop in the food prices, to begin with!

Whose purpose are you fulfilling?

Youth today are desperate to find their purpose in this world; to make this world a better place to live. They are constantly made to feel as though they have to do something on a bigger scale, something that will CHANGE the world. Change is what it’s all about. Change seems to be the only absolute for the world. But where has this intense desire for change popped up from? Why are young people made to feel that they need to be part of the big picture, to come out of the own little world and try to do something for the world? This seems to be a recent mindset, and it’s surely PLANNED!

As their (the globalists’) knowledge of genetic engineering advances, the intent is to create a slave class of purpose made humans to serve the elite. As part of the new society they seek to create, the elite seek to control reproduction in a scientific manner. Ultimately, they seek to control/restrict reproduction scientifically and create hermaphroditic slaves/beings who will be granted permission to reproduce and only be given that permission if they have proven their worth to the state.

As we leave the age of Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius, the elite plan to create a completely new and different society in which only those with a purpose to serve the world state will be born. – The Globalist Agenda

The Globalists/Elites/Illuminati have already conditioned the minds on this generation of living with a “purpose” (which meets their agenda). With the havoc they have created globally over the past century and continue to do so now, they have met their goal of conditioning the youth to want to do something for the world – and that is CHANGE. Sadly, this is not happening in the secular societies only but also within the Christian circles. The main purpose of a Christian ministries locally or internationally is to brainwash young people into wanting to be part of the change; to bring about the change that the secret society at the top wants. It’s got nothing to do with saving souls, but everything to do with globalism.

False teacher Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven  movement has brought about this agenda of conditioning people to have a ‘purpose’ for globalism from a “Christian” perspective. Those who are rooted in God’s Word would never succumb to this conditioning; and Warren knows that. So he decides to come up with his Purpose-Driven Life, where he’s manipulated the Scripture to support his intentions. Warren is highly influential worldwide with his books selling in local languages.

YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is the fastest growing mission globally with literally thousands of youth joining each year. Because I’ve been part of it in the past, I know too well regarding its real deal. In the name of God, they spread a different gospel which is no Gospel at all. I have witnessed decent orthodox youngsters turn worldly by the time they finish the Discipleship Training School (DTS; a 6-month entrance course into YWAM). Why is this so? The main tactic of the DTS is to take the holy fear of God out of their minds, giving them the delusion that God loves them regardless of what they do. Also, the DTS brainwashes them to believe that it’s God’s “DREAM” to change the world, and that His heart “BREAKS” seeing the state of the world today, whether it’s corruption, environment, ethics etc. Church, God does not dream, and it has nothing to do with changing the world. He wants individual souls saved from eternal fire! The Bible itself testifies that God Almighty will destroy this world. Why try to make it better and lose your soul? It’s all manipulation of the global Elites! Watch your life and your doctrine!

These Globalists sitting at the top aren’t fools, but it’s evident that common people are, including the Church. There is mass conditioning happening today. They want humans to do that which they want. And Christian youth is losing sleep over the lie that they need to be part of this global peace movement because without a global purpose they are made to feel stupid by everyone around them! This is to lead to the New World Order.