Tag Archives: rebellion

Good Fight Ministries – Heath Ledger as the “Joker”

Good Fight Ministries – Heath Ledger.

Worshiping the Sun-god in New York Times Square

Thousands perform yoga to welcome summer. In essence, yoga is worship of the sun-god having its roots in ancient Hinduism. Various postures are different ways of paying respect to the sun-god. So-called yoga exercises are ancient worship repackaged. Would you have imagined this 20 years ago? There is no fear of the one, true God left anymore! (Images from Google images..)

No wonder men are confused…

Feminists And Their Satanic Influence On God’s Church

If you are seeking Christian marriage, trust in the Lord, and wait for the companion God has chosen for you. Getting ahead of God by not waiting only brings the disaster of being unequally yoked against God’s biblical harmony.

It is important for young single Christian men to understand what type of women they should avoid. Many women who call themselves “Christian” these days are nothing more than feminists, disguised as Christians. A true women of Faith will trust God’s word concerning women, and not seek the worldly pattern of ambition for authority.

Evil Origins of (Christian) metal, long hair on men and other things….

Okay, so in order to answer controversial topics such as men having long hair, rock/metal music, tattoos, and just worldly freedom in general, to say ‘it’s all wrong” may just sound religious. So what I did was look up the origins of such expressions of such “freedom” on the internet in order to expose the roots of such controversies and why they are carnal.

2Tim 3:1-7: Paul describes various attitudes of rebellion in the last days. And he’s not just describing the non-Christians but also the “Christians” (they love pleasure more than God, having a form of godliness but denying its power (v 4-5). He wouldn’t have mentioned that attribute of not loving God if he was referring only to the non-Christians, as they don’t know God anyway).

So here’s something I’m certain of: that these ‘last days’ began with the counterculture movement of the 1960s. The “freedom” that the youth of that era came up with has been in direct rebellion to God. There was an explosion of immorality in the form of music, attire, in the outer appearance, behavior etc, and these attitudes have continued even until today.

It’s notable that long hair was maintained by homosexuals in the 50s, which then was adopted by men during the 60s movement as a symbol of rebellion towards conservative society (primarily the Church) by those who experimented drugs, immorality and rock/metal (basically these men were heavily influenced by the Counterculture of New Age movement). In short, men grew their hair long as a symbol of rebellion, and as a symbol of ungodly masculinity.

So is it carnality if a man to grow out his hair? I’d say yes. Even if he is a Christian? Well, what influences him to grow out his hair? Is it by the worldliness in him or by his desire to please God? 1 Cor 11:14: Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man has long hair, it is a shame unto him?” (interesting to note that Paul had written this a couple of decades after Jesus ascended to heaven, so the culture may have already changed by then). Jesus had long hair but it was not because He was influenced by the world and that He wanted to look cool. The “long hair” culture of His time was not out of rebellion to God. But the long hair culture of now is because that’s how the trend was birthed.

A similar reasoning goes for the other controversial topics such as metal/rock. The root of such music is psychedelic (hallucinations, mystical states etc originated in the rebellious culture of the 60s), symbolizing ungodly “masculinity” (completely contradictory to biblical masculinity). It’s blatantly anti-Christ. But can Christian lyrics sanctify the origins? Does it make it less worldly? “Christian” metal tries to reach out to people with God’s Gospel using a medium that was birthed out of rebellion (Lucifer is the author of rebellion). Just because one listens to metal with a ‘christian’ touch does not sanctify the music. I seriously doubt God would use satanic origins of music, or anything else for that matter, to spread His Word. God has intentionally made the narrow road to be difficult, so that only those who truly love and obey Him will come to Him. It’s like finding an ancient structure of an idol, liking it and “sanctifying” it by praying over it or writing bible verses on it! Oftentimes Christians don’t realize that there’s no middle ground between God and Satan. It’s either one of the other. One cannot just be carnally involved with something and think they’re only doing it for “fun”, nothing serious. That’s an easy trap to get into. Trying to keep up with the carnal things with a touch of Christianity is a compromise, not a surrender to His Lordship.

Origins matter. God Himself thought it necessary to expose the origins of His creation, and of His people the Israelites. Moses wrote the Torah because the Lord wanted His people to know the origins, and hence live accordingly. His principles still apply today, even during the grace period. Anything that has come about out of rebellion is of the Satan because he was the first rebel who rebelled against God, and hasn’t given up.

Modern Christianity teaches that everything belongs to God. All type of music, art, business etc; regardless of their origins, all belong to God. I find that to be unbiblical. Satan has been given permission to manipulate the world since all nations and their glory belong to him (Mt 4:8, 9) and that he’s the ‘god’ of this world (2Cor 4:4). This does not imply that the Lord has no power over the world, He absolutely does, but the things of the world do not belong to Him because the kingdom of the world are not His (Jn 18:36); and neither are His chosen people called to belong to this world, or be influenced by it, but rather live in this physical world following the rules of His invisible Kingdom. Like I had said earlier, having one’s heart ‘right with God’ doesn’t give one the freedom to live in the way the unsaved do. If you claim to have your heart ‘right with God’ you will desire the spirit of discernment into all things. The gift of discernment can be developed by researching various issues like christian metal. Don’t make judgements based on your feeling or logic but rather look into things in the light of the true Word.